jee main 2021 tips and suggestions

As per the JEE Main 2021 information bulletin, the entrance test will be held for aspirants seeking an undergraduate degree in engineering from institutions including NITs and IIITs. The top JEE Main rank holders will be able to apply for JEE Advanced for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Here are some tips to Memorize Mathematics Formula and Physics Equations.

JEE Main Preparation Tips To Memorize Mathematics Formula, Physics Equations

Keep the concepts clear and go through the formulae, shortcuts, and get familiar with them.

Learn and practice the derivation of each Mathematics formula

Set a fixed time to revise the already learnt Maths formula and Physics equation

Remove distractions and stay relaxed, focussed. Learning Mathematics formulae and Physics equations require a relaxed mind

Check previous year questions to know the sources and weightage of topics

Understand the Mathematics formula and Physics equation by solving problems and practicing JEE Main mock test papers

Write the Mathematics formulae and Physics equations and keep checking them

Implement the concepts and use the shortcut methods to answer JEE Main 2021 questions in minimum time

Use memory techniques like creating a story and using the sequence of the story to revise the JEE Main Mathematics formula and JEE Main Physics equation

Be positive & confident.